How To Gain More YouTube Subscribers Using YouTube Viral Subscribe WordPress Plugin


YouTube Viral Subscribe WordPress Plugin Guide

Do you want to increase your YouTube subscribers coming in from your blog or website? Well, you can now embed a “subscribe” button onto all of your YouTube videos posted to your website.

It’s possible with the YouTube Viral Subscribe plugin. It’s the only WordPress growth-hacking plugin that will auto-detect all of your videos in posts and pages and embed a “subscribe” button below the videos.

YouTube Viral Subscribe plugin

So, now when users come to your posts or pages and see your videos, they can directly subscribe to your YouTube channel from your website. Isn’t that cool?
Moreover, the “subscribe” button shows the subscriber count as well for added social proof.

So now that you know what this plugin can do, let’s see how you can embed the “subscribe” button to all of your videos and increase your number of YouTube subscribers.
This help guide will cover:
  • How to download the YouTube Viral Subscribe WP plugin.
  • How to install the YouTube Viral Subscribe WP plugin.
  • How to activate the license key.
  • How to use the YouTube Viral Subscribe plugin.

How To Download The YouTube Viral Subscribe WP Plugin


Once you buy the plugin, you will get a purchase confirmation receipt. You can download the plugin from there.

Download YouTube Viral Subscribe

 In case you missed that, don’t worry, just check your email (that you used while purchasing). You will see an email from ShoutMeLoud telling you where you can download the plugin and get the license key.

How To Install The YouTube Viral Subscribe WP Plugin

After you’ve downloaded the plugin, here are the steps to installing it:
  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to “Plugins”.
  • Click Add New >> Upload Plugin.           
  • Upload Plugin 
 Choose the plugin zip file and install it by clicking “Install Now”.

Plugin Installation

Activate the plugin by clicking “Activate Plugin”.

How To Activate The License Key

Grab your license key (on the receipt or in the email) and follow these steps:

That’s it. Now you are all set to use the plugin on your website.

How To Use The YouTube Viral Subscribe Plugin

It’s time to configure the plugin’s settings now and see how it’s going to work for your blog/website.

Configure these options:
  • Enable YouTube Viral Subscribe Button: Check this option to activate the button under your videos.
  • YouTube Channel ID (or) Name: Put your YouTube channel link or name here. To get your YouTube channel link, just go to and click on “My channel” on the top left. 
  • Enter Custom Title Text: Mention the button text here that will display in the button.
  • Enable The Subscriber Button With Count: Check this option if you want to show the total number of subscribers under the button. I would personally suggest you activate this option as it will help users to understand that your channel is authentic and already has a good number of subscribers on it.
  • Enable The Subscriber Button With Full Layout: If you want the button to appear with a full layout under your posts or pages, then turn on this option.

Viral Subscriber Color Options

  • Text Color: Select the text color that you want to show in the button.
  • Subscriber Button Background Color: Select the button’s background color.
  • Size of Viral Subscriber Section: Adjust the width of the subscriber section that will come under the video. You should set the width as 350px or 400px. This will work in most cases. In case the subscribe button looks smaller (in preview), you can increase the size.
    Once you are done with all of the above settings, just click Update options”.

    This is how the button will look below the video:

     Subscriber Button

    Looks cool, isn’t it?
    We are already using this unique YouTube WordPress plugin here at ShoutMeLoud and converting a lot of incoming traffic to become our YouTube subscribers. This works with any kind of YouTube video (Yours & others).
    You can also increase your number of subscribers today by using the plugin.
    What else can you do with YouTube viral subscribe plugin?
    Once you have a good number of subscribers to your channel, you can sell your YouTube subscribers services on Fiverr and make some good money. Go here and read about all the ways you can monetize a YouTube channel.
    So, that is it. I hope the above guide will help you to use the plugin successfully on your blog/website.
    If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the plugin, do comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts on it!




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